Snow Days, Cabin Fever, and a Loss of Control. How Do YOU Cope?

We are having yet another snow day around here and it is becoming challenging to entertain my young son. The weather has been bitter so playing outside hasn’t been that successful.  We are slowly sliding into an acute case of cabin fever, what to do?

We have googled all sorts of crafts and home projects. We have had friends over and watched way, way too much television.  I am running out of ideas.  I am not sure what tomorrow will hold but I do hope it’s just a 2 hour delay.

Really, what a snow day and school cancellation brings is a loss of control.  If you still have to go to work, then there is a whole new level of stress.  Two parent families can switch off and maybe watch their vacation days dwindle. Single parents may have to scramble to find a friend, neighbor or family member to help out, or give up their vacation days.

For those who are self-employed and have their own schedule, they can take as many days as they need…but without pay.  A week out of work can be a killer for some.

All of it makes me want to pack up and go to Florida. The airports are open. I’ll be back when school is in session and the snow has melted.  Hold on a sec, I’m pricing flights to Tampa….

What it all really comes down to is a loss of control.  I could talk on and on about liability and how the school systems make decisions, but I won’t. What happens when the weather is poor and school is cancelled (and transportation systems go down, and our doctor’s offices close, and we panic because we are running out of cheese-sticks and toilet paper) is that we didn’t plan on this happening and it has majorly messed up our schedule. I have things to do! Important things!  And my kid(s) are driving me crazy!

It is hard to take a deep breath and relax and enjoy the moments for what they are. Lots of extra cuddles on the couch have been nice. Realizing that I can’t, won’t, and would never be good at homeschooling is something I have learned (well, maybe I haven’t learned it but confirmed it). Looking at vacation pictures from a recent trip to the beach and planning what we will do this upcoming summer has filled some happy time.

While helping my son pick out clothes to wear outside in the snow, I was struck by how incredibly small they still seem. How incredibly small he still is. And yet, he will be grown in a minute. He will wear huge, giant clothes that cost a fortune and he will spend snow days doing things with his friends.  He will be thankful and delighted at the prospect of yet another day off from school. In short, he will be able to take care of himself and he won’t need me to stay home with him.

My neighbors keep saying they can’t wait until the pool is open and we are all there again, grilling food, and basking in the sun. And I agree. I can’t wait. But until then, the snow is beautiful, my son is still small and spending some extra time with him feels like a gift…most of the time.

So how have you spent the snow days?  Any great ideas? Please feel free to comment.


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